Based on the Theory of "One Qi Circulation", Explore the "Treatise on Typhoid Fever" Ma Ziren Pill


  • Yongshun Zhao haanxi University of Chinese Medicine
  • Jian Wang haanxi University of Chinese Medicine


Hemp seed pills, One gas circulation, HUANG Yuanyu


Ma Zi Ren Pill is Zhang Zhongjing's representative prescription for the treatment of spleen contract, the main pathogenesis is stomach and intestine dryness, spleen and jin insufficiency, qi obstruction, and then the spleen and stomach do not move heat, resulting in "spleen contract". In recent years, the value of this theory for the study and analysis of typhoid fever theory has been gradually explored, and now through the analysis of the pathogenesis and syndrome characteristics of Ma Zi Ren Pill with the theory of "One Qi Circulation", it is concluded that the basic pathogenesis of Ma Zi Ren Pill in the theoretical system of "One Qi Circulation" is "the left side of the spleen cannot rise and the right side of the stomach is weak, the phase fire stasis turns into evil heat, and the heat evil turns into spleen covenant". This paper enumerates the unique characteristics of Huang's theory and verifies it in combination with modern clinical research, aiming to reveal the ideological connotation of Zhongjing's theory of typhoid fever and contribute to the expansion of its application."


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How to Cite

Zhao, Y., & Wang, J. (2024). Based on the Theory of "One Qi Circulation", Explore the "Treatise on Typhoid Fever" Ma Ziren Pill. Journal of Theory and Practice in Clinical Sciences, 1, 7–10. Retrieved from