Exploring Inclusive Media: Frameworks for Barrier-Free Audio-Visual Communication in China


  • Fu Shuai Department of Mass communication, Faculty of Social Science Arts and Humanities, Lincoln University College Malaysia
  • Somia Abdul Same’e Communication College, Sana’a University, Yemen; School of Media and Communication, Faculty of Social Sciences and Leisure Management, Taylor’s University, Malaysia


Omnimedia, Accessible audio-visual content, Media accessibility, Communication elements, Practical pathways


Accessible audio-visual communication media can be categorized into two main types: dedicated accessible online audio-visual apps and modified accessible apps. Despite the presence of policies promoting the barrier-free transformation of apps, only a limited number of media platforms effectively meet the needs of people with disabilities. Furthermore, research on the effectiveness of accessible audio-visual communication is scarce, highlighting the need for a comprehensive evaluation system to assess its impact on disabled users. This paper proposes a practical pathway for enhancing accessible audio-visual communication, centered on four subsystems: users, services, products, and platforms.


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How to Cite

Shuai, F., & Somia Abdul Same’e. (2025). Exploring Inclusive Media: Frameworks for Barrier-Free Audio-Visual Communication in China. Journal of Theory and Practice in Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(1), 18–24. Retrieved from https://woodyinternational.com/index.php/jtphss/article/view/150


