Analysis of Barrier-Free Audio-Visual Communication: Characteristics, Elements, and Applications Across Media


  • Fu Shuai Department of Mass communication, Faculty of Social Science Arts and Humanities; Lincoln University College Malaysia
  • Somia Abdul Same’e Communication College, Sana’a University, Yemen


Barrier-Free Audio-Visual Communication, Characteristics, Accessibility innovations, Applications, Elements


This paper comprehensively analyzes the characteristics, elements, and types of barrier-free audio-visual communication in all media. The findings of this study show that the diversification of barrier-free audio-visual services provides people with disabilities a richer and more inclusive audio-visual experience. It identifies key elements such as audience, existing obstacles, and communication components while offering practical guidance for the production of accessible content tailored to individuals with hearing and visual impairments. Furthermore, the study demonstrates the broad applications and promising development prospects of barrier-free audio-visual communication across multiple fields, underscoring its importance in advancing inclusivity and safeguarding the basic cultural rights and interests of people with disabilities.


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How to Cite

Shuai, F., & Same’e, S. A. (2025). Analysis of Barrier-Free Audio-Visual Communication: Characteristics, Elements, and Applications Across Media. Journal of Theory and Practice in Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(1), 25–34. Retrieved from


