Exploring the Future Focus of Interethnic Governance in Multi-Ethnic Countries in the Perspective of Globalisation


  • Xianglong Chen Yunnan University, Kunming, Yunnan, China
  • Lurong Xie Yunnan University, Kunming, Yunnan, China
  • Yueting Fu Yunnan University, Kunming, Yunnan, China




Vision of Globalisation, Multi-Ethnic State, Governance of Inter-Ethnic Political Issues


The governance of inter-ethnic issues is an important part of national governance, including the selection of ethnic policy issues, the determination of ethnic policy intentions, the formulation of ethnic policy programmes, and the implementation of specific ethnic policies, all of which are to some extent subject to the basic constraints and regulation of the basic goals and strategic tasks of national governance. At the same time, inter-ethnic policy is an important element in the process of modernising national governance, and it is of great importance in promoting the process of modernising national governance to manage inter-ethnic relations, resolve conflicts between ethnic groups and maintain political stability in ethnic areas. The discussion on the governance of inter-ethnic issues is essentially a search for a more reasonable model of political relations to meet the needs of the development of the ethnic society within the unitary multi-ethnic state against the background of the overall promotion of the democratic political construction of the country. Therefore, the assessment and analysis of the mode and way of governance of inter-ethnic issues is a proper meaning of national governance in the nation-state.


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How to Cite

Chen, X., Xie, L., & Fu, Y. (2024). Exploring the Future Focus of Interethnic Governance in Multi-Ethnic Countries in the Perspective of Globalisation. Journal of Theory and Practice in Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(5), 52–58. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14525252


