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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

We invite authors from around the world and from all fields in science to publish their work with us to reach a larger, more relevant audience. Our submissions go through rigorous peer reviews and quality checks.

At Iris, we appreciate work from a varied range of scientific research and believe in publishing high quality, original content. Preference is given to work that is well-articulated and presented in interesting ways that readers can relate to.

Research articles from major scientific fields are also welcome. These papers are expected to include findings, present evidence and explain the methodology used to achieve the final conclusion.

Rules for submission

Only original, genuine content is accepted at Woody International Publish Limited. Manuscript must come attached with a cover letter from the author, including names of the co-authors (if any). All manuscripts must be properly cited.

Plagiarism Policy

At Woody International Publish Limited, we have a strict policy against work that is not original and ensure that all research work shared with us is authentic by various means necessary. Our peer-review system and plagiarism tests are based on the following policies:

  • We only accept original content from authors, which means that their work should not be under review by other publications.
  • We have a set of guidelines and templates for all authors to follow while creating and submitting their manuscripts.
  • Uniqueness is key to acceptance at IRIS. Any work that has less than 75% originality will be rejected.

Processing Fee

Woody International Publish Limited content in an open access format, in which readers can access all information on our journals for free, unlimitedly.

However in order to cover our handling, processing and production expenses, a nominal processing fee called Article Processing Charges (APC) is charged on every accepted submission made to Iris by authors and institutes looking for a platform to share their work with the world. This fee also accommodates efforts put into tasks such as editing, proofreading, quality check, web maintenance, plagiarism check and much more. APC may vary based on the type of manuscript and the place where it’s being processed.

Country Others Case Report (CR) Review (RW) Research (RA)
High Income $979 $1389 $1579 $1780
Middle Income $799 $1180 $1397 $1599
Low Income $649 $849 $1219 $1349

Withdrawal Policy

At Woody International Publish Limited, our commitment to the world is the access to free but premium articles and research work in the multidisciplinary field of science. Our peer review process regulates the quality of every article to ensure it complies with our publishing standards.

This process is sometimes hampered by authors asking to make last minute withdrawals, mostly in the time right before we’re set to publish the article to our journal. This is a colossal waste of our time, resources and money since our editors and reviewers may have spent lots of time reviewing the manuscript, giving direction about how the author should modify their manuscript and share it for further review, till they’re ready for publication.

To negate these circumstances, we’ve put together a withdrawal policy that protects the journal from unethical withdrawals. Authors and co-authors should keep in mind the below implications before putting in a request for withdrawal:

  • All authors, co-authors and other contributors of the manuscript should agree on the integrity, the ownership and other details pertaining to the manuscript before submitting it for review. Leave no gray areas for your co-authors to find out later, this may cause in miscommunication, need to reform or edit the manuscript or removal of it all together. Address all concerns beforehand and submit the manuscript only after you receive a unanimous confirmation form all contributors.
  • Students who have mentors, guides and professors they consult with throughout the process of their manuscript writing, should seek their permission before submitting their manuscripts to the journals of Iris Publications.
  • Specifically for authors, we’ve detailed out the publication ethics that they should be followed by authors who wish to publish with us. This guideline can be found here. The most important part of submission is that the author should ensure that his manuscript is withdrawn from all other publications before submitting it to us.
  • We consider it unethical for a manuscript to be withdrawn so it can be published on a different journal by a different publication.
  • All data must be fact-checked before submitting the manuscript for review to us. Make sure your manuscript is error-free and accurately represented.

Unethical withdrawal

  • Withdrawing a manuscript which is in the final stage of the peer review process of editorial is unacceptable unless there are some really compelling reasons.
  • If you withdraw your manuscript after it’s already published to our journal, and was pre-paid, your Article Processing Charge (APC) WILL NOT BE REFUNDED back to you.
  • If you stop responding to the reviewers and editors during the peer-review stage, the journal has the right to proceeding with the publishing process without your approval and will not bear the consequences of this decision.
  • If there is circumstance where the reasons are compelling enough for you to need to file a request for withdrawal, visit the journal office and pick up a ‘Article Withdrawal Form’ that is to be duly signed by all collaborators with the reason for withdrawal clearly mentioned and submit the same to the Editorial Office. Do assume immediate withdrawal, you will hear from us regarding the same before it happens.
  • To be fair to authors, if the review process has extended beyond six months, you are allowed to ask for withdrawal without paying the APCs.

Manuscript withdrawal charges

  • If a manuscript is withdrawn within 48 hours of submission, no penalties are charged to the author and co-authors.
  • If any author request withdrawal after peer review stage or Galley Proof or PDF Stage or after Publication author should pay withdrawal penalty $99.
  • If the author withdraws the article after acceptance of the manuscript and payment has also been made, there will be NO REFUND of the Article Processing Charge (APC) already paid.

Upon accepting the withdrawal request, the Iris publication’s Editorial Office will send the author(s) an official notice of Manuscript Withdrawal. The official notice will be handed over after the withdrawal penalty is paid in full.


Submission Policy

The author is responsible for obtaining any necessary copyright releases for material which has been published previously, prior to submitting material for consideration. No paper published in other journals or books can be considered for publication in the International Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation. Concurrent submission to other publications and this Journal is viewed as a serious breach of ethics and if detected will result in immediate rejection of the submission.

Paper Format

Papers must be prepared in MS-WORD (doc) formats and submitted through on-line submission system/email. 

In addition to being concise and consistent in style, spelling and the use of abbreviations, new submissions should conform to the following instructions.

  1. Language: Papers should be written in US English.
  2. Units: The SI units should be followed for all dimensional quantities.
  3. Typescript: Electronic manuscripts should be prepared with the journal template.
  4. Title and Author: The paper title should be concise, informative, and in capital letters. Author(s) and affiliation(s) should appear below the title.
  5. Abstract and Keywords: Each paper should have an abstract not exceeding 150 words. The abstract should orderly consist of the purpose of the study, approaches/procedures, and main results. 4-5 keywords should be given.
  6. Section Introduction should orderly present background/motivation, literature survey, the research gap, the purpose of the study, and organization of the paper (optional).
  7. Headings: Headings for sections and subsections should start from the left-hand margin and numbered with Arabic numerals.
  8. Equations and Mathematical Formulas: All equations and mathematical formulas should be typewritten with Mathtype. Equations should be numbered serially on the right-hand side by Arabic numerals in parentheses.
  9. Length: The manuscript should be more than four thousand words (about 12 printed pages typeset with the journal's format), including title, authors and affiliations, abstract, text, figures, tables, and references.
  10. Figures and Tables: All figures and tables should be numbered and have descriptive captions. Images should be higher than 300 dpi, and Line art 900-1200 dpi. Use colorful figures wherever possible.
  11. Section Conclusions should start with a paragraph which addresses what you have done, and followed by summarizing your conclusions point by point.
  12. References: References should be listed in numerical order according to their order of appearance. The numbered reference citation should be enclosed in brackets. Complete information should be given for each reference. For a journal or conference paper reference, the full title (instead of the abbreviation) of the journal or conference should be provided. References must be larger than 15 and less than 30, unless the manuscript is a review article.
  13. Don't use First Person( We, I, Our) in the manuscript.
  14. The total similarity index of the submission should be less than 25%, the single index with one of the authors' publications should be less than 10%, and the single index with any other source should be less than 5%.


Section default policy

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.